10 Best Tinder Conversation Starters by Online Dating Experts

Attention: In this article, y'all won't discover any used up Tinder one-liners or conversation openers.

Beneath y'all will notice the hush-hush Tinder techniques of the best seducers of Federal republic of germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Read everything in the gild it's written, then you lot won't miss anything. If you do, I guarantee you'll take more success on Tinder than ever before.

Allow me ask you a question starting time:

How the hell do y'all start a good conversation?

Suppose you have a match you find phenomenal and and so, of all things…

…yous just tin can't notice the right words.

No thing how hard you try, your brain just doesn't seem to work anymore:

You can't think of any Tinder convo starters to hitting her up with.

Or even worse: You send her a text, merely she doesn't respond.

And at present, hither you are…




Bro, if you:

  • Don't know how to start a conversation on Tinder
  • Take abiding self-doubt whether your first texts are good plenty
  • Rarely or NEVER get responses from your matches
  • Commonly get short responses from beautiful women like "haha" south
  • Accept no idea how to go on after your opening sentence
  • And much more for a smooth Tinder pickup line…

By the manner, have you seen my free Transformation Kit?

You'll get my best stuff admittedly gratuitous: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.

Then I've got extraordinarily practiced news for you!

Because with this article, I will gratuitous you from all your headaches and self-doubts.


Some shine Tinder pickup lines have become classics over the years.

Unfortunately, most of them have been used so inflationary that they won't work any longer.

They've lost their "wow" effect entirely, and the just thing you prove with them is that you couldn't come up up with a good convo starter yourself.

>> sixteen Best Tinder Openers from Fieldtesting Women Merely Tin can't Resist.

The result?

Y'all will never hear from her once again…

She could have been the perfect woman for yous, just as of today, your chances with her are gone.

To counteract this in one case and for all, I'm going to introduce you lot to…

the matrix of the most effective Tinder chat starters.

At AttractionGym, we're constantly looking for the best techniques and near efficient methods.

For this reason, I've non just exchanged ideas with my Dutch team (consisting of the all-time seducers of the nation) for this article…


I likewise talked to the best seducers of our German and Belgian team just to serve you the crรจme de la crรจme of Tinder conversation starters.

You lot will see in the examples that every "author" has his own style of texting a adult female.

But as different as the starters may be, they're all effective.

"Just didn't y'all just say that it'due south incredibly unattractive just to copy lines?"

Excellent objection.

Unlike the wannabe dating coaches who will simply throw yous some third-class conversation starter, today we're going one step further…

By explaining to you WHY the examples work so well.

At the cease of this web log mail service, I not merely want yous to try them (earlier anybody uses them)…

…but also that yous know exactly how y'all tin easily create your own first-class messages for every situation.

Before yous do, sentry the video that Klaus made about this topic:


Ready to rumble?

Okay, permit'south go!

>> 31 Voted Best Pick-Up Lines in the Earth (Online & Offline).

Expert Tinder lines that work for EVERY adult female

I tried out all the conversation starters that follow immediately on a series of fresh matches. So, every line had the same chances.

I sent each of these starters to 10 chicas bonitas.

How many have finally responded to them, I will listing for you under each bulletin under the point "Response rate."

I matter I can already tell you:

That one Tinder message volition go any woman to reply positively…

… y'all tin can detect it next to the stack of lottery tickets, with which you hit the jackpot every time, and the pill, which extends your penis by 6 inches after taking it.

The ultimate Tinder conversation starter, which works perfectly every fourth dimension, doesn't exist.

Sorry not sorry, bro.

Women remain wondrous, complex beings.

In the country of copy and paste lines, I show you today, however the absolute crown jewels of the electric current time.

Of import:

Every adult female has her own humor and personality. Therefore, it might exist that a line works well for Lisa only lousy for Kim.

It's upwards to y'all to use the convo starters that fit your humor AND your match.

What? Do you lot want to know how to tell if your text fits your lucifer?

Now, I want you to spread your gazers broad open…

If you want to brand sure that your matches are made up exclusively of women for whom your spell works excellent…

… then this is the best style:

Create a strong profile.

A contour that optimally reflects your personality.

This way, you straight filter out women who probably won't connect with you.

The event?

>> How to Flirt with Women – the 4 Awkward-Gratuitous Ways.

Attractive women who, for example, have a sense of sense of humour like you lot, seep through, and your response rate is skyrockets.

"Okay, Dan, that makes sense, but how the hell do I create such a profile?"

You can do it past…

  1. Shooting and uploading great profile pictures
  2. Writing an epic profile text

For this weblog mail service, I've deleted my Tinder business relationship and created a new ane.

So, I started with 0 matches once more, edited my Tinder profile properly, and sent the following messages to my fresh catch of spicy matches.

By the style, the starters were sent to women of various nations.

May the best one win!

#one: <Math GIF> + "Me figuring out what my super original first text will exist"

Did you lot e'er ponder on how to hit her up?

Duuuhhh… Of form, you did. Otherwise, you lot probably wouldn't be hither.

With this message, you share your inner boxing with her.

>> Tinder Top Picks Explained – Useless or Useful? (+ Top Picks Hack).

Past the way, don't forget that some women as well desire to text you, simply simply have no clue how to practise it.

You don't believe me?

Simple take a look at this screenshot:

The GIF I used here is probably already familiar to her from other memes, but equally one of many fun ways to start a conversation, she has probably never seen earlier… ๐Ÿ˜‰

What makes this opening sentence and so effective is the self-irony. After all, everyone has had that moment at least in one case when they didn't know what to text.

At the same time, you'll likewise take on the guys who desire to be perceived as particularly clever with their convo starters and try too hard to impress women.

>> 12 Subtle ways to Print a Woman and Go Her Full Attention.

In summary, this text contains:

  • A significant portion of self-irony
  • The power of empathy: Every normal human being has already been in a situation in which he or she didn't know what to text/say – information technology's relatable, and immediate sympathy is created

Response rate: 7/10

#2: "hahaha oooh shit! I'm not certain you remember…"

Hold on.

That line is merely unfair. It's pure clickbait.

Modern marketing in its purest course.

It's making utilise of an ancient human drive:


This opening movement works so great because every woman wants to know what comes later on.

With it, yous imply that you've met before or that something has happened betwixt you in the by.

Therefore, in most cases, she can't help but react to this bulletin.

After her response, in that location are a bunch of means you can continue. One of my favorites is copying dry historical facts.

I commonly utilise Wikipedia entries.

The reactions to this are normally hilarious.

In summary, this text contains:

  • Clickbait: "I'm not sure you recall…"
  • Humor potential
  • One nasty implication: By saying "oooh shit," y'all brand her think you lot already met at the SM party in Willy's garage, but she tin't call back because of her jag.

Response rate: 9/10

#3: "Hi, Stalker <Rainbow Emoji> "

Practise yous want to get as many as possible with the least effort?

Then this line is exactly what you've been looking for.

Like a refined economist, you employ the maximum principle.

You use as few characters equally possible to trigger the strongest reaction possible.

This conversation starter is a variation of the virtually unoriginal first text on the planet ("Hey") but adds a decisive twist to it… a teasing challenge ("stalker").

By calling her a stalker, you imply that she has wanted yous for years.

The rainbow emoji adds a portion of lightheartedness to this line and shows her that y'all don't take yourself nor this text also seriously.

>> 10 Tips – Dress to Impress for Men (Ladies Dear This).

In summary, this Tinder convo starter contains:

  • A challenge: With the provocative "stalker" yous playfully challenge her
  • Lightheartedness through the "rainbow emoji."
  • It hands funny part-plays on a plate in which she'due south your stalker

Response rate: 7/10

#4: Frighteningly precise analyses of her personality

With this text, you use statements about her personality. Yous pretend you can interpret her character from her pictures.

In this example, yous can see how this seรฑorita is amazed at how authentic my statements are:

Plot twist:

I didn't even look at i of her pictures when I texted her this text.

The magic behind it?

"Barnum statements."

Bar- what?

Whoa, easy, cowboy.

I'll tell yous.

Barnum statements are statements that seem very personal merely apply to almost every Human being sapiens on this planet.

You can detect them in horoscopes, for case.

Women are crazy virtually the type of homo who tin read them similar an open book…

She feels like yous've got the "magical power" to read her personality.

Ingenious, huh?

And EXTREMELY effective.

With the "In one of your pictures, I fifty-fifty noticed something crazy about you lot…" message, you trigger her curiosity at the end.

When trying these statements, you lot will notice that most women will ask you what this crazy something is that y'all've discovered in their pictures.

In summary, this starter contains:

  • The magic of Barnum statements
  • A pinch of clickbait at the terminate

Response rate: nine/10

#v: "Yes, I do relish getting my eyebrows sucked!"

Well, did you look at the headline once again to make sure you lot didn't misread it?


That's what it really says.

And it'due south polarizing as f#ck!

She doesn't know you yet, and yet the showtime matter she gets from you is an unusual and weirdly sexual message.

Afterwards you pretend that She's the weirdo of your chat. After all, she's supposed to have asked you the question.

The forcefulness of this crazy text is that it oozes polarizing humor and a proper "I don't give a f#ck!" attitude.

Matches that respond to this text usually have the same disturbing humor and, therefore, automatically find you more attractive.


Because nigh nobody has the cojones to be straight to her in such a humorous style.

By the way: I lost some matches because of this line because some women obviously don't like this kind of humor.

Only I probably wouldn't take been on the same page with them anyway.

In summary, this text contains:

  • Polarizing, sexual humor
  • A twist that she's supposedly the weirdo who wants to suck on your eyebrow → which is a great start for funny office-playing games between yous

Response charge per unit: 6/10

#half-dozen: The depressive T-King

What awaits you at present is a truthful exotic. When ane of the coaches suggested this starter to me, I was initially a little skeptical almost whether it would work.

>> eleven Subtle signs a girl is into yous: Reading women 101.

But the results speak for themselves…

For the first fourth dimension in man history, I was incorrect nigh one thing.

This text is genius in a crazy way.

  1. It shows creativity considering you paint a crazy picture in her head
  2. You trigger positive AND negative emotions in her at the same time (because you would hold her in your arms just besides eat her)

It comes from one of our Dutch coaches and is completely in line with his motto:

"Weird is a side effect of awesome."

With this first text, he proves that obliqueness can be actually constructive.

In summary, this message contains:

  • A ridiculously abstract illustration that makes her express joy
  • A little rollercoaster ride of emotions, with which you can easily trigger her interest

Response rate: 9/10

#7: "When life gives you lemons…"

You lot know it…

Semi-wise "inspirational quoteZz <3" that prepubescent 14-yr-olds mention in their captions beneath their mirror selfie pictures on Instagram.

Equally of today, you lot can do good from the "treasure trove of knowledge" of these teenage girls in the grade of an exquisite text:

With a "When life gives you [her proper name], make lemonade. ๐Ÿ‹ " you non but bring lightheartedness to her inbox, but you as well tease her subtly.

Later on all, yous replaced "lemon" associated with "biting" and "sour" from the original proverb with her name, rather than the word "lemonade" (which is more likely to be associated with more positive adjectives such as "sweet").

Some women reacted to this with an "I don't taste bitter at all. ๐Ÿ˜‰" or "Does this mean I'm sour?!", which tin fifty-fifty bring the conversation into a sexual management.

In summary, this text uses:

  • Lighthearted humor
  • Subtle teasing (since you replaced the word "lemon" with her name)

Response rate: vii/10

#8: "Hey <proper noun>, you know what's actually interesting about your pictures?"

Oh, past the manner, bro… >> CLICK Hither << if you lot desire to know with which word yous brand EVERY woman crazy for you (spoiler: it'due south not what yous recollect (!!) ).

Clickbait, clickbait and more than clickbait.

Of course, you want to know with which word you make her crazy for you…

And of course, she wants to know what is so interesting nigh her pictures… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Maybe she has a hunch near what you lot mean, merely she's not 100% sure.

So, what does Ms. Match exercise?

She's responding to your conversation starter.

Marketing 101.

As you can meet, this text starts with her proper noun.

And as Dale Carnegie used to say:

"Recall that a person'due south name is the sweetest and most important sound in whatever language."

Yes, this message is quite similar to the previous "I'm not sure you lot remember" – merely it's more personal and, therefore, more effective.

In summary, this text contains:

  • A personal beginning by mentioning her name
  • Virtually unfairly effective clickbait

Response rate: 10/ten (Is this real life?)

#nine: "Sup, bro."


Equally dry as the Gobi Desert.

That Tinder text displays a "I don't give a f#ck!" mental attitude.

Yous hit her up as casually as if you were bros.

Y'all're non even trying to seem cool in this one.


This text just works well if your contour is great, and your profile pictures and your clarification exude that you're a badass.

So that it would be most strange for your matches if you put more piece of work into your first bulletin.

If your profile is only mediocre, you tin forget it (and curl to the articles I've linked above to pimp your contour).

A small but nevertheless non unimportant item of this text is the "bro." A bro usually has a penis, and since you're reading a blog post here virtually how you seduce women, all the lines were really sent to women.

Women without penises.

Amazing, huh?

In summary, this text contains:

  • Pure indifference
  • A teasing start for amusing part-plays

Response rate: viii/10

#x: Practice the Panda

Pandas. A play upon words about how you are (literally) sliding into her inbox.

Exercise I even have to say more?

In my experiments, I got 8 responses from 10 women. Of course, I could've used every GIF, which includes someone sliding, simply the Panda definitely blesses this text with a cute bonus.

A bonus almost no i tin resist.

In summary, this line uses:

  • Cute humor
  • A confident "That's me smoothly sliding into your inbox."
  • A shovel of indifferent coolness

Response charge per unit: viii/10

Read this BEFORE yous try out the lines


These were ten non only good Tinder chat starters but 10 of the virtually effective Tinder chat starters you lot can discover on the cyberspace right now.

As you could already see, the response rates of my profile varied between 6/10 and x/10.

Why is that?

Because I didn't filter which woman, I sent which chat starter.

I set my location in a large metropolis and and so sent the corresponding text to 10 women.

I didn't pay attention to whether her profile reflected the personality that might fit my message.

That'due south how fifty-fifty the craziest Tinder messages similar "Aye, I practice bask getting my eyebrows sucked…" ended up at more serious women, who then unmatched me within milliseconds.

You've got a much better chance of success if you:

  1. Brand sure that your likes are only given to women who seem weird enough to tolerate such polarizing texts
  2. Use a crazy contour where your matches can already expect your messages to comprise some crazy humour

And then, your profile and your swipe attitude play an essential role in whether your messages work.

How to first a chat with a daughter on Tinder? Check. What now?

Almost all the texts from this article were created by various AttractionGym coaches from their own pen.

As I told you lot earlier, personal messages usually work amend.


Because the chances that she's already seen them are much lower.

This way, you appear original and creative.

Therefore, I recommend you create your ain chat starters and try them out.

This way, you show her a piece of your personality and train your artistic muscle (which you lot volition have to use anyway once you run across her).

And so now, grab your phone and experiment.

And let me know what worked for you.

My free Transformation Kit.

Your bro,
Dan de Ram

Stop awkward conversations
and painful rejections

My gratuitous Transformation Kit will make you irresistible to women.

  • 12 Opening Lines that Actually Work
  • 5 Date Generating Texting Tips (Plus Copy-Paste Lines for Tinder)
  • The Friendzone Escape-Room Play tricks

Yes, give me the Transformation Kit!


Source: https://www.attractiongym.com/best-tinder-conversation-starter/

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